PS5 won’t Show Up On TV

If you’re getting the issue on your PS5 not showing up on your TV screen, don’t worry – you’re not alone. This user-friendly guide will help you through simple steps to help you resolve the connectivity problem and get your PS5 up and running on your TV again. Read the following solutions to this common issue.

Why PS5 won’t Show Up On TV

If your PS5 is not showing up on your TV, there could be several potential reasons and troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check connections: Ensure that all the cables connecting your PS5 to the TV are securely plugged in. Make sure the HDMI cable is firmly connected to both the console and the TV. If possible, try using a different HDMI cable to rule out any cable issues.
  2. TV input selection: Make sure your TV is set to the correct input source where the PS5 is connected. Use the TV remote or the input/source button on the TV to cycle through the available input options until you find the one connected to the PS5.
  3. Try a different HDMI port: If your TV has multiple HDMI ports, try connecting the PS5 to a different HDMI port on the TV. This can help identify if the issue lies with a specific port.
  4. Test on a different TV or monitor: If possible, try connecting your PS5 to a different TV or monitor to see if it displays properly. This can help determine if the issue is specific to your TV or if it’s related to the PS5 itself.
  5. Check video output settings: On the PS5, navigate to the Settings menu and select “Screen and Video.” Ensure that the video output settings are compatible with your TV’s resolution and refresh rate.
  6. Update firmware: Check for any available firmware updates for your TV and the PS5. Keeping both devices up to date with the latest software can resolve compatibility issues and improve performance.
  7. Contact support: If you’ve tried the above steps and the issue persists, it’s recommended to reach out to the support channels for your TV or PlayStation. They can provide specific troubleshooting assistance or guide you through further steps to resolve the problem.

Troubleshoot of PS5 won’t Show Up On TV

Check the HDMI Connection

The first step is to ensure that the HDMI cable connecting your PS5 to the TV is securely plugged into both devices. Disconnect and reconnect the cable to eliminate any loose connections. Additionally, try using a different HDMI cable to rule out any cable-related issues.

Verify TV Input and Source

Make sure your TV is set to the correct input source for the HDMI port connected to your PS5. Use your TV remote to navigate through the input options and select the corresponding HDMI input. If you have multiple HDMI ports, try different ports to determine if the issue lies with a specific port.

Power Cycle the PS5 and TV

Sometimes, a simple power cycle can resolve connectivity problems. Turn off both your PS5 and TV. Unplug them from their power sources and wait for a few minutes. Then, reconnect the power cables and turn on the devices. Check if the PS5 now displays on the TV screen.

Enable HDR or Disable HDCP

If you have enabled HDR (High Dynamic Range) on your PS5, try disabling it temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. Similarly, you can also try disabling HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) in the PS5 settings. Remember to re-enable these settings once the issue is resolved if desired.

Try a Different TV or Monitor

To determine if the problem lies with the TV or the PS5 itself, connect your PS5 to a different TV or monitor. If the PS5 works fine on the alternate display, it indicates an issue with your original TV. In such cases, consult your TV’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Update Firmware and System Software

Ensure that your PS5’s firmware and system software are up to date. Go to the system settings menu and select “System Software Update” to check for any available updates. Installing the latest software versions can often resolve compatibility issues with TVs.

Contact Sony Customer Support

If all the above steps fail to resolve the issue, it is recommended to reach out to Sony customer support for further assistance. They have specialized knowledge and expertise to help troubleshoot and address specific PS5-related issues.

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By following these fixing steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of your PS5 Won’t Show Up On TV. Check the HDMI connection, verify TV input and source, power cycled both devices, enable/disable HDR or HDCP, try a different TV or monitor, update firmware and system software, and contact Sony customer support if necessary. Remember please stay patient and thorough in your troubleshooting process, and soon you’ll be back to enjoying your PS5 gaming experience on your TV screen.


Q1: Why won’t my PS5 show up on my TV?

A1: There can be several reasons for this issue. It could be due to a loose HDMI connection, incorrect TV input selection, power-related problems, or compatibility issues between the PS5 and the TV.

Q2: I’ve checked the HDMI connection, but my PS5 still won’t display on my TV. What should I do?

A2: If the HDMI connection is secure and you’ve verified the correct TV input, try power cycling both the PS5 and the TV. Unplug them from their power sources, wait a few minutes, and then reconnect and power them on again. This can often resolve temporary connectivity issues.

Q3: What should I do if my PS5 displays on another TV but not on my original one?

A3: If your PS5 works fine on a different TV or monitor, it suggests a problem with your original TV. Consult the TV’s user manual for troubleshooting steps specific to your model. If needed, contact the manufacturer’s customer support for further assistance in resolving the compatibility issue.