How to Cancel Your Audible Subscription

Audible, the popular audiobook platform, has revolutionized the way we consume literature. However, there may come a time when you decide to part ways with your Audible subscription. Whether it’s due to a change in preferences, financial reasons, or simply wanting to explore alternative options, canceling your Audible subscription should be a straightforward process. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to cancel your Audible subscription hassle-free.

Step 1: Log into Your Audible Account

To begin the cancellation process, visit the Audible website and log into your account using your registered email address and password. If you’re using the Audible mobile app, open the app and sign in with your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Account Details

Once you’re logged in, locate the “Account Details” section. On the website, you can find it by clicking on your account name at the top-right corner of the page and selecting “Account Details” from the drop-down menu. In the mobile app, you can access this section by tapping on the menu icon (usually three horizontal lines) and selecting “Account Details” from the menu.

Step 3: Manage Membership

Within the Account Details section, look for the “Membership Details” or “Membership” tab. Here, you will find information about your Audible subscription, including your current plan and payment details. Click on the “Manage Membership” or a similar button to proceed to the cancellation options.

Step 4: Explore Cancellation Options

Audible offers various cancellation options to suit different preferences. These may include pausing your membership, switching to a different plan, or canceling the subscription altogether. Review the available options and select the one that aligns with your needs.

Step 5: Confirm Cancellation

Once you have selected the cancellation option, Audible will present you with additional details about the consequences of canceling your subscription. This may include the loss of any unused credits and benefits associated with your membership. Read this information carefully to understand the implications.

If you still wish to proceed with canceling your Audible subscription, confirm your decision by following the prompts on the screen. Audible may ask you to provide a reason for cancelation as part of their feedback process.

Step 6: Complete the Cancellation Process

After confirming your cancellation, Audible will finalize the process and send you a confirmation email. Make sure to check your inbox (including the spam folder) for this email. It serves as proof that your subscription has been successfully canceled.

Step 7: Post-Cancellation Considerations

Once you have canceled your Audible subscription, it’s essential to be aware of any remaining Audible credits or benefits you may have had. Ensure that you utilize any unused credits before they expire. Additionally, if you have any downloaded audiobooks, they will remain accessible even after canceling your subscription.


Canceling your Audible subscription doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these steps, you can easily navigate the process and bid farewell to your Audible membership if and when the time comes. Remember to take note of any unused credits or benefits and enjoy your audiobooks until the end of your subscription.