How to Put an End to YouTube Autoplay

In the world of online video consumption, YouTube reigns supreme, offering an endless stream of captivating content. However, one aspect that can be both convenient and frustrating is the autoplay feature. While it can keep you glued to your screen for hours, it can also lead to wasted time and distractions. If you’re ready to take control of your YouTube experience and put an end to autoplay, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore different methods to stop YouTube autoplay and regain control over your viewing habits.

1. Disabling Autoplay on the YouTube Website:

The most straightforward way to stop YouTube autoplay is by disabling it directly on the website. Here’s how:

– While watching a video, look for the autoplay toggle switch located on the right-hand side of the video player.

– Click on the toggle switch to turn off autoplay. It will turn gray when autoplay is disabled.

– Enjoy your videos without worrying about being automatically transported to the next one.

2. Managing Autoplay on Mobile Devices:

If you predominantly watch YouTube on your mobile device, the autoplay feature can be equally distracting. Thankfully, you can disable it on both Android and iOS devices:

– For Android:

Open the YouTube app, tap your profile picture in the top-right corner, then go to “Settings.” From there, select “Autoplay” and choose “Off.”

– For iOS:

Open the YouTube app, tap on your profile picture in the top-right corner, then select “Settings.” Under “General,” tap on “Autoplay” and choose “Off.”

3. Using Browser Extensions:

For users who prefer browsing YouTube on their desktop or laptop, browser extensions can provide additional control over autoplay. Here are a few popular options:

– Disable HTML5 Autoplay (Chrome):

This extension blocks autoplaying videos on most websites, including YouTube. Install it from the Chrome Web Store and enjoy interruption-free browsing.

– Autoplay Stopper (Firefox):

This extension stops autoplay on various websites, offering customization options for individual sites. Download it from the Firefox Add-ons store and regain control over autoplay.

– Turn Off the Lights (Multiple Browsers):

Although primarily known for its ability to darken the background around YouTube videos, this extension also allows you to disable autoplay. Available for popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge, it provides a comprehensive set of customization options.

4. Utilizing External Applications:

In addition to browser extensions, several external applications offer enhanced control over YouTube autoplay. These applications often come with additional features that can enhance your viewing experience. Here are a couple of notable examples:

– Iridium (Windows and macOS):

This open-source YouTube client provides extensive control over autoplay, including the ability to disable it altogether. It also offers advanced features such as ad-blocking, customizable themes, and more.

– NewPipe (Android):

If you’re an Android user looking for an alternative YouTube client, NewPipe is worth exploring. It not only allows you to disable autoplay but also offers ad-blocking, background playback, and the ability to download videos for offline viewing.


YouTube autoplay can be a double-edged sword, providing a seamless viewing experience but also leading to time-consuming distractions. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can take control of your YouTube experience and prevent autoplay from derailing your productivity. Whether you disable it directly on the YouTube website, utilize browser extensions, or explore external applications, the choice is yours. Embrace these methods and enjoy a more focused, intentional YouTube journey. Remember, you’re in charge!