How to block ads on Instagram

Do you find the constant ads on your Instagram feed annoying? You’re not alone. Many users feel the same way, as these ads can be intrusive and disrupt your browsing experience.

In this guide, we’ll show you simple strategies to block ads on Instagram, so you can take control of your feed and scroll through it smoothly without interruptions.

Why do you want to block ads on Instagram?

There are several reasons why individuals may want to block ads on Instagram. Here are a few common motivations:

Personalization: Some users prefer a more tailored Instagram experience, where they only see content that aligns with their specific interests. By blocking ads, they can curate their feed to showcase content that is more relevant and meaningful to them.

Intrusiveness: Ads can sometimes disrupt the user experience by interrupting the flow of content or appearing too frequently. Blocking ads allows users to regain control over their browsing experience and eliminate distractions.

Irrelevance: Not all ads on Instagram resonate with users. They may find certain ads irrelevant to their needs, preferences, or values. Blocking ads helps users filter out content that they perceive as uninteresting or unrelated to their interests.

User Privacy: Ads on Instagram often rely on data collection and targeting based on user behavior and demographics. Some users may have concerns about their privacy and prefer to limit the amount of personalized advertising they see.

Ad Fatigue: Constant exposure to ads can lead to ad fatigue, where users become desensitized or uninterested in the content presented to them. Blocking ads can prevent this fatigue and create a more engaging and enjoyable Instagram experience

Steps to block ads on Instagram

Access Instagram Settings: Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and navigate to your profile page. Look for the three horizontal lines in the top right corner, tap on them, and select “Settings” at the bottom of the menu.

Navigate to Ads Preferences: Within the Instagram settings, scroll down and locate “Ads.” Tap on it to access the ads preferences section.

Customize Ad Interests: In the ads preferences section, you’ll find the option to customize your ad interests. Tap on “Ad Interests” and review the list of topics that Instagram has identified based on your activity and engagement.

Remove Unwanted Interests: To block ads related to specific interests, tap on any topic that you wish to remove. This will bring up more details about the interest. Tap on the three dots next to the interest and select “Hide” to prevent ads associated with that interest from appearing in your feed.

Hide Ads from Specific Advertisers: if you want to block ads from specific advertisers, go back to the ads preferences section and tap on “Advertisers.” Scroll through the list of advertisers and tap on any that you wish to block. Select “Hide” to prevent ads from that advertiser from showing up in your feed.

Provide Feedback: Instagram values user feedback. If you come across an ad that you find inappropriate or irrelevant, you can provide feedback by tapping on the three dots in the upper right corner of the ad and selecting “Hide ad.” Choose the reason for hiding the ad to help Instagram improve your ad experience.


Taking control of your Instagram ad experience by blocking unwanted ads can significantly enhance your browsing enjoyment. By customizing your ad preferences, removing irrelevant interests, and blocking specific advertisers, you can create a more personalized and tailored feed. Additionally, providing feedback on ads that you find inappropriate or irrelevant helps Instagram improve its ad targeting. Remember, the goal is to curate an Instagram experience that aligns with your interests and preferences. With the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can successfully block ads on Instagram and enjoy a more engaging and ad-free social media journey.

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Can I completely remove all ads from Instagram?

Unfortunately, as a user, you cannot completely remove all ads from Instagram. However, by customizing your ad preferences and blocking specific interests and advertisers, you can significantly reduce the number of ads you see.

Will blocking ads on Instagram affect my overall user experience?

Blocking ads on Instagram is designed to enhance your user experience by reducing the number of unwanted or irrelevant ads you encounter. It allows you to curate your feed and see more content that aligns with your interests.

Will blocking ads on Instagram affect the content I see?

Blocking ads on Instagram does not directly impact the organic content you see from accounts you follow. The primary purpose is to control and customize the advertising content that appears in your feed.